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Visual Language

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

When it comes to digital marketing, visual language is created using text copy, colors, and UI controls. A true UX writer matches words and visuals, and makes sure that text copy creates the best possible experience for the user. To be effective, all parts should work harmoniously together.

The term visual language in relation to vision describes the perception, comprehension, and production of visible signs.

A chart, icon, diagram, map - even font type and size, these are all examples of uses of visual language. Just as people can verbalize their thinking, they can visualize it.

In a visual way, digital marketers and designers are trained to solve problems. The best designers can form images in their imagination - in their mind’s eye. Inside their head, they manipulate, construct, evaluate and edit ideas before they even begin to produce a visual.

This process continues during and after putting the ideas on paper or on the computer screen. Visual language is a result of visual thinking. While designers may have a special talent in doing so, the reality is that all humans have the ability to express cognitive concepts through visual language.

Just watch a child as he draws, sketches, builds with blocks, pretends to be a superhero, uses an item as something else. This expression is simply a form of the visual language system. Our minds are able to "design" models, which are then expressed through visual means to an audience.

When it comes to digital marketing, this act of creating and using visual language is imperative. Audiences are bombarded with messaging and advertising constantly. Our brains have learned to quickly access information. Information that can't be understood quickly is typically ignored. So digital marketing efforts MUST convey the desired message quickly and accurately.

At DION Creative Agency, we understand how visual language impacts the meaning behind a message.

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