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Email Drip Campaigns

An email drip campaign can be an effective way to build brand affinity and a loyal, engaged audience. With strong content, you can build brand reputation and streamline your automation program.

What is a drip campaign? Simply put, a drip campaign is a line of pre-written marketing emails that are sent on a set schedule automatically.

Emails can also be triggered by the actions of a customer or prospect. For example, a drip campaign can be triggered when a customer abandons a cart or application form – or following a visit to your store or call to your service center.

When it comes to email marketing, a drip campaign can easily become an integral part of your overall digital marketing strategy. At DION Creative Agency, we utilize drip campaign strategies for our clients by onboarding their new customers with a series of promotional and lead-nurturing emails. Our onboarding campaigns aim to re-engage current customers by recommending products/services and offering educational content that keeps your brand top-of-mind.

A robust bounce-management strategy is needed when you execute a drip email campaign. We can help increase your open rates and improve your overall email marketing ROI.

At DION Creative Agency, we help to manage your sender reputation. Your sender reputation improves when you have positive engagements and healthy numbers of opens and click-throughs. What hurts your reputation, however, are recipients who mark your email as spam or blacklist you. We also avoid words that trigger spam filters and use accurate data to personalize emails.

Contact us to learn more about how a email drip campaign can help your brand reach full stride.

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