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Facebook Retargeting

The effectiveness of Facebook retargeting makes it an imperative piece of any social media marketing strategy.

Retargeting can dramatically increase the impact of your advertising. Using small daily budgets while retargeting warm audiences will assist in preventing ad fatigue. Using this spend technique ensures your prospects aren’t served your ads too often.

However, this tactic rarely delivers the highest return on ad spend. So allocating a sizeable portion of that budget to Facebook retargeting is best to drive conversions, sales, and ROI.

At DION Creative Agency, we know you can't "set and forget" retargeting campaigns. They must be nurtured.

Studies show 72% of online shoppers (on average) will abandon their cart before checkout. Without retargeting, only 8% of these customers will return to complete their purchase. Don't lose customers a click away from purchase.

Let DION C.A. show you how to retain their interest.

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