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Utilizing LIVE Social Video During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, innovation is not an option – it is a necessity. Brands must engage and build their audience in new, creative ways. New content trends have blossomed as a result, and efforts that were nearly unfathomable before the pandemic are now considered standard practice.

Live video via social now has more impact than ever. Facebook and Instagram Live views are exploded during the pandemic, and other platforms, like LinkedIn, are implementing new video features too. Every brand has a different approach and persona via social. Experimenting with your video content and realizing what has the most impact will help you determine subject matter and hosts/spokespeople for your Live videos.

A key to building viewership of your Live videos is developing a cadence your audience can look forward to following. For example, perhaps you can show off your newest products every Tuesday night at 9 p.m. You can use your Live event time to offer product tips, special discounts, and exclusive deals with those who tune in.

If you provide a service, consider hosting virtual gatherings that serve as tutorials. Virtual gatherings can generate brand awareness organically and exponentially increase brand affinity. Simply answer questions about your business or give customers insight into how your product is developed.

During these challenging times, your Live video content marketing should have clearly defined supplemental goals, with the ultimate goal being ling-term trust in your brand.

These goals can be placed into categories that further support your business:

· Customer support

· Answers to common questions about your business during the pandemic

· Education about your industry

· Entertainment to keep your customers engaged and having a good time

Remember to address your audience and any hardships they may be facing. Showing empathy and understanding is important. Make sure your brand is compassionate and authentic, and you’ll see a positive response to your Live content marketing efforts.

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