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Informational Content

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

Informational content is designed to educate and teach a catered audience about a brand's products and services.

Informational content should be created through the lens of the audience. This content should drive customers to better understand a topic or your brand.

Thought leadership is key here, giving your brand the opportunity to demonstrate expertise and establish trust.

The audience should be able to consume this content as part of their research when considering a product or service.

Informational content is important, but it should not exist everywhere just for the sake of existence. At DION Creative Agency, we understand how to strategically utilize long-form content. It has a place, and our user experience team can determine where it fits best and how it should be delivered.

There are two primary types of informational content:

* time-limited

* evergreen

Time-limited content describes most content marketing pieces. It is content that will be outdated and irrelevant due to the subject matter. Content about recent news, an event, a seasonal sale, or an editorial about a hot topic would be examples of time-limited content.

Time-sensitive or time-limited content is useful and can impact your website traffic if positioned correctly. Depending on your industry and brand, time-limited content can result in great spikes of traffic, but takes strategy. At DION Creative Agency we utilize time-sensitive topics to produce quick wins in website traffic and reinforce brand voice.

Every time you publish content related to a trending or hot topic, it is more likely to get widely shared and viewed. You will get an initial burst of traffic, but the spike will die as quickly as the topic.

On the flip side, evergreen content continues to be relevant well after it is published. Evergreen content can include details about a product or service your company provides. This type of content gets regular organic traffic, which is why it is so important to include evergreen informational content on your site.

Search engines like Google exist to answers people’s questions. When your brand is relevant, DION Creative Agency makes sure you're helping to provide answers. If the content is out-of-date, it won’t rank.

Creating evergreen content for our clients is one of the best practices for attracting organic traffic to their site month after month. Interesting and relevant content that does not become dated is necessary in order to be found online by search engines.

At DION Creative Agency, we have several strategies that we utilize to create a list of evergreen topic ideas that are relevant to your industry and your target audience. Then, we work to maintain their evergreen status by with republishing strategies and promotion tactics.

Contact us to learn more about how we can produce informational content for your website.

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